Setting up an IPv6 tunnel via 6to4

You must have a static IP address for this to work.

This is some necessary information:

 Static IPv4 address:
Static IPv6 address: 2002:3e9d:0962:1::1
Usable /48: 2002:3e9d:0962::/48

Note: A 6to4 calculator is available at - select IPv4 to 6to4 address


Setup the 6to4 interface

   /interface 6to4 add mtu=1280 name=ipng-tunnel local-address= remote-address= disabled=no 

Add your client IPv6 address to the new interface

   /ipv6 address add address=2002:3e9d:0962:1::1/3 interface=ipng-tunnel 

Add a default route to the global IPv6 Internet through the tunnel interface using the anycast IPv4 address:

ipv6 route add dst-address=2000::/3 gateway=::,ipng-tunnel 

Syntax for RouterOS v4.x, or RouterOS 3.x with routing-test:

ipv6 route add dst-address=2000::/3 gateway=:: 

You can now add your IPv6 addresses as required for your internal network.


   /ipv6 address add address=2002:3e9d:0962:2::1/64 interface=ether1 advertise=yes disabled=no

Sumber :

Crontab – Quick Reference
Setting up cron jobs in Unix and Solaris

cron is a unix, solaris utility that allows tasks to be automatically run in the background at regular intervals by the cron daemon. These tasks are often termed as cron jobs in unix , solaris. Crontab (CRON TABle) is a file which contains the schedule of cron entries to be run and at specified times.

This document covers following aspects of Unix cron jobs
1. Crontab Restrictions
2. Crontab Commands
3. Crontab file – syntax
4. Crontab Example
5. Crontab Environment
6. Disable Email
7. Generate log file for crontab activity

1. Crontab Restrictions
You can execute crontab if your name appears in the file /usr/lib/cron/cron.allow. If that file does not exist, you can use
crontab if your name does not appear in the file /usr/lib/cron/cron.deny.
If only cron.deny exists and is empty, all users can use crontab. If neither file exists, only the root user can use crontab. The allow/deny files consist of one user name per line.

2. Crontab Commands

export EDITOR=vi ;to specify a editor to open crontab file.

crontab -e Edit your crontab file, or create one if it doesn’t already exist.
crontab -l Display your crontab file.
crontab -r Remove your crontab file.
crontab -v Display the last time you edited your crontab file. (This option is only available on a few systems.)

3. Crontab file
Crontab syntax :
A crontab file has five fields for specifying day , date and time followed by the command to be run at that interval.

* * * * * command to be executed
- - - - -
| | | | |
| | | | +----- day of week (0 - 6) (Sunday=0)
| | | +------- month (1 - 12)
| | +--------- day of month (1 - 31)
| +----------- hour (0 - 23)
+------------- min (0 - 59)

* in the value field above means all legal values as in braces for that column.
The value column can have a * or a list of elements separated by commas. An element is either a number in the ranges shown above or two numbers in the range separated by a hyphen (meaning an inclusive range).
A. ) Repeat pattern like /2 for every 2 minutes or /10 for every 10 minutes is not supported by all operating systems. If you try to use it and crontab complains it is probably not supported.

B.) The specification of days can be made in two fields: month day and weekday. If both are specified in an entry, they are cumulative meaning both of the entries will get executed .

4. Crontab Example
A line in crontab file like below removes the tmp files from /home/someuser/tmp each day at 6:30 PM.

30 18 * * * rm /home/someuser/tmp/*

Changing the parameter values as below will cause this command to run at different time schedule below :
min hour day/month month day/week Execution time
30 0 1 1,6,12 * – 00:30 Hrs on 1st of Jan, June & Dec.
0 20 * 10 1-5 –8.00 PM every weekday (Mon-Fri) only in Oct.
0 0 1,10,15 * * – midnight on 1st ,10th & 15th of month
5,10 0 10 * 1 – At 12.05,12.10 every Monday & on 10th of every month

Note : If you inadvertently enter the crontab command with no argument(s), do not attempt to get out with Control-d. This removes all entries in your crontab file. Instead, exit with Control-c.

5. Crontab Environment
cron invokes the command from the user’s HOME directory with the shell, (/usr/bin/sh).
cron supplies a default environment for every shell, defining:

Users who desire to have their .profile executed must explicitly do so in the crontab entry or in a script called by the entry.

6. Disable Email
By default cron jobs sends a email to the user account executing the cronjob. If this is not needed put the following command At the end of the cron job line .

>/dev/null 2>&1

7. Generate log file
To collect the cron execution execution log in a file :

30 18 * * * rm /home/someuser/tmp/* > /home/someuser/cronlogs/clean_tmp_dir.log

CCNA Router and Catalyst Switch IOS Command Reference

By Jamison Schmidt

Router Commands
Terminal Controls:

  • Config# terminal editing - allows for enhanced editing commands
  • Config# terminal monitor - shows output on telnet session
  • Config# terminal ip netmask-format hexadecimal|bit-count|decimal - changes the format of subnet masks

  • Host Name:

  • Config# hostname ROUTER_NAME

  • Banner:

  • Config# banner motd # TYPE MESSAGE HERE # - # can be substituted for any character, must start and finish the message

  • Descriptions:

  • Config# description THIS IS THE SOUTH ROUTER - can be entered at the Config-if level

  • Clock:

  • Config# clock timezone Central -6
    # clock set hh:mm:ss dd month yyyy
    - Example: clock set 14:35:00 25 August 2003

  • Changing The Register:
  • Config# config-register 0x2100 - ROM Monitor Mode
  • Config# config-register 0x2101 - ROM boot
  • Config# config-register 0x2102 - Boot from NVRAM

  • Boot System:

  • Config# boot system tftp FILENAME SERVER_IP - Example: boot system tftp 2600_ios.bin
  • Config# boot system ROM
  • Config# boot system flash - Then - Config# reload

  • CDP:

  • Config# cdp run - Turns CDP on
  • Config# cdp holdtime 180 - Sets the time that a device remains. Default is 180
  • Config# cdp timer 30 - Sets the update timer.The default is 60
  • Config# int Ethernet 0
  • Config-if# cdp enable - Enables cdp on the interface
  • Config-if# no cdp enable - Disables CDP on the interface
  • Config# no cdp run - Turns CDP off

  • Host Table:

  • Config# ip host ROUTER_NAME INT_Address - Example: ip host lab-a
  • -or-
  • Config# ip host RTR_NAME INT_ADD1 INT_ADD2 INT_ADD3 - Example: ip host lab-a - (for e0, s0, s1)

  • DNS:

  • Config# ip domain-lookup - Tell router to lookup domain names
  • Config# ip name-server - Location of DNS server
  • Config# ip domain-name - Domain to append to end of names

  • Clearing Counters:

  • # clear interface Ethernet 0 - Clears counters on the specified interface
  • # clear counters - Clears all interface counters
  • # clear cdp counters - Clears CDP counters

  • Static Routes:

  • Config# ip route Net_Add SN_Mask Next_Hop_Add - Example: ip route
  • Config# ip route Next_Hop_Add - Default route
  • -or-
  • Config# ip default-network Net_Add - Gateway LAN network

  • IP Routing:

  • Config# ip routing - Enabled by default
  • Config# router rip
  • -or-
  • Config# router igrp 100
  • Config# interface Ethernet 0
  • Config-if# ip address
  • Config-if# no shutdown

  • IPX Routing:

  • Config# ipx routing
  • Config# interface Ethernet 0
  • Config# ipx maximum-paths 2 - Maximum equal metric paths used
  • Config-if# ipx network 222 encapsulation sap - Also Novell-Ether, SNAP, ARPA on Ethernet. Encapsulation HDLC on serial
  • Config-if# no shutdown

  • Access Lists:

    IP Standard1-99
    IP Extended100-199
    IPX Standard800-899
    IPX Extended900-999
    IPX SAP Filters1000-1099

    IP Standard:

  • Config# access-list 10 permit - allow all src ip’s on network
  • -or-
  • Config# access-list 10 permit host - specifies a specific host
  • -or-
  • Config# access-list 10 permit any - allows any address

  • Config# int Ethernet 0
  • Config-if# ip access-group 10 in - also available: out

    IP Extended:

  • Config# access-list 101 permit tcp eq telnet
    -protocols: tcp, udp, icmp, ip (no sockets then), among others
    -source then destination address
    -eq, gt, lt for comparison
    -sockets can be numeric or name (23 or telnet, 21 or ftp, etc)
  • -or-
  • Config# access-list 101 deny tcp any host eq www
  • -or-
  • Config# access-list 101 permit ip any any

  • Config# interface Ethernet 0
  • Config-if# ip access-group 101 out

  • IPX Standard:

  • Config# access-list 801 permit 233 AA3 - source network/host then destination network/host
  • -or-
  • Config# access-list 801 permit -1 -1 - “-1” is the same as “any” with network/host addresses

  • Config# interface Ethernet 0
  • Config-if# ipx access-group 801 out

  • IPX Extended:

  • Config# access-list 901 permit sap 4AA all 4BB all
    - Permit protocol src_add socket dest_add socket
    -“all” includes all sockets, or can use socket numbers
  • -or-
  • Config# access-list 901 permit any any all any all
    -Permits any protocol with any address on any socket to go anywhere

  • Config# interface Ethernet 0
  • Config-if# ipx access-group 901 in

  • IPX SAP Filter:

  • Config# access-list 1000 permit 4aa 3 - “3” is the service type

  • Config# access-list 1000 permit 4aa 0 - service type of “0” matches all services

  • Config# interface Ethernet 0
  • Config-if# ipx input-sap-filter 1000 - filter applied to incoming packets

  • Config-if# ipx output-sap-filter 1000 - filter applied to outgoing packets

  • Named Access Lists:

  • Config# ip access-list standard LISTNAME
    -can be ip or ipx, standard or extended
    -followed by the permit or deny list
  • Config# permit any

  • Config-if# ip access-group LISTNAME in
    -use the list name instead of a list number
    -allows for a larger amount of access-lists

  • PPP Setup:

  • Config-if# encapsulation ppp
  • Config-if# ppp authentication chap pap
    -order in which they will be used
    -only attempted with the authentification listed
    -if one fails, then connection is terminated
  • Config-if# exit
  • Config# username Lab-b password 123456
    -username is the router that will be connecting to this one
    -only specified routers can connect
  • -or-
  • Config-if# ppp chap hostname ROUTER
  • Config-if# ppp chap password 123456
    -if this is set on all routers, then any of them can connect to any other
    -set same on all for easy configuration

    ISDN Setup:

  • Config# isdn switch-type basic-5ess - determined by telecom
  • Config# interface serial 0
  • Config-if# isdn spid1 2705554564 - isdn “phonenumber” of line 1
  • Config-if# isdn spid2 2705554565 - isdn “phonenumber” of line 2
  • Config-if# encapsulation PPP - or HDLC, LAPD

  • DDR - 4 Steps to setting up ISDN with DDR
    1. Configure switch type

    2. Config# isdn switch-type basic-5ess - can be done at interface config

    3. Configure static routes

    4. Config# ip route - sends traffic destined for to
      Config# ip route bri0 - specifies how to get to network (through bri0)

    5. Configure Interface

    6. Config-if# ip address
      Config-if# no shutdown
      Config-if# encapsulation ppp
      Config-if# dialer-group 1 - applies dialer-list to this interface
      Config-if# dialer map ip name Lab-b 5551212
      connect to lab-b at 5551212 with ip if there is interesting traffic
      can also use “dialer string 5551212” instead if there is only one router to connect to

    7. Specify interesting traffic

    8. Config# dialer-list 1 ip permit any
      Config# dialer-list 1 ip list 101 - use the access-list 101 as the dialer list

    9. Other Options

    10. Config-if# hold-queue 75 - queue 75 packets before dialing
      Config-if# dialer load-threshold 125 either
      -load needed before second line is brought up
      -“125” is any number 1-255, where % load is x/255 (ie 125/255 is about 50%)
      -can check by in, out, or either
      Config-if# dialer idle-timeout 180
      -determines how long to stay idle before terminating the session
      -default is 120
    Frame Relay Setup
  • Config# interface serial 0
  • Config-if# encapsulation frame-relay - cisco by default, can change to ietf
  • Config-if# frame-relay lmi-type cisco - cisco by default, also ansi, q933a
  • Config-if# bandwidth 56
  • Config-if# interface serial 0.100 point-to-point - subinterface
  • Config-if# ip address
  • Config-if# frame-relay interface-dlci 100
    -maps the dlci to the interface
    -can add BROADCAST and/or IETF at the end
  • Config-if# interface serial 1.100 multipoint
  • Config-if# no inverse-arp - turns IARP off; good to do
  • Config-if# frame-relay map ip 48 ietf broadcast
    -maps an IP to a dlci (48 in this case)
    -required if IARP is turned off
    -ietf and broadcast are optional
  • Config-if# frame-relay map ip 54 broadcast

  • Show Commands
  • Show access-lists - all access lists on the router
  • Show cdp - cdp timer and holdtime frequency
  • Show cdp entry * - same as next
  • Show cdp neighbors detail - details of neighbor with ip add and ios version
  • Show cdp neighbors - id, local interface, holdtime, capability, platform portid
  • Show cdp interface - int’s running cdp and their encapsulation
  • Show cdp traffic - cdp packets sent and received
  • Show controllers serial 0 - DTE or DCE status
  • Show dialer - number of times dialer string has been reached, other stats
  • Show flash - files in flash
  • Show frame-relay lmi - lmi stats
  • Show frame-relay map - static and dynamic maps for PVC’s
  • Show frame-relay pvc - pvc’s and dlci’s
  • Show history - commands entered
  • Show hosts - contents of host table
  • Show int f0/26 - stats of f0/26
  • Show interface Ethernet 0 - show stats of Ethernet 0
  • Show ip - ip config of switch
  • Show ip access-lists - ip access-lists on switch
  • Show ip interface - ip config of interface
  • Show ip protocols - routing protocols and timers
  • Show ip route - Displays IP routing table
  • Show ipx access-lists - same, only ipx
  • Show ipx interfaces - RIP and SAP info being sent and received, IPX addresses
  • Show ipx route - ipx routes in the table
  • Show ipx servers - SAP table
  • Show ipx traffic - RIP and SAP info
  • Show isdn active - number with active status
  • Show isdn status - shows if SPIDs are valid, if connected
  • Show mac-address-table - contents of the dynamic table
  • Show protocols - routed protocols and net_addresses of interfaces
  • Show running-config - dram config file
  • Show sessions - connections via telnet to remote device
  • Show startup-config - nvram config file
  • Show terminal - shows history size
  • Show trunk a/b - trunk stat of port 26/27
  • Show version - ios info, uptime, address of switch
  • Show vlan - all configured vlan’s
  • Show vlan-membership - vlan assignments
  • Show vtp - vtp configs

  • Catalyst Commands For Native IOS - Not CatOS
    Switch Address:

  • Config# ip address
  • Config# ip default-gateway

  • Duplex Mode:

  • Config# interface Ethernet 0/5 - “fastethernet” for 100 Mbps ports
  • Config-if# duplex full - also, half | auto | full-flow-control

  • Switching Mode:

  • Config# switching-mode store-and-forward - also, fragment-free

  • MAC Address Configs:

  • Config# mac-address-table permanent aaab.000f.ffef e0/2 - only this mac will work on this port
  • Config# mac-address-table restricted static aaab.000f.ffef e0/2 e0/3
    -port 3 can only send data out port 2 with that mac
    -very restrictive security
  • Config-if# port secure max-mac-count 5 - allows only 5 mac addresses mapped to this port

  • VLANS:

  • Config# vlan 10 name FINANCE
  • Config# interface Ethernet 0/3
  • Config-if# vlan-membership static 10

  • Trunk Links:

  • Config-if# trunk on - also, off | auto | desirable | nonegotiate
  • Config-if# no trunk-vlan 2
    -removes vlan 2 from the trunk port
    -by default, all vlans are set on a trunk port

  • Configuring VTP:

  • Config# delete vtp - should be done prior to adding to a network
  • Config# vtp server - the default is server, also client and transparent
  • Config# vtp domain Camp - name doesn’t matter, just so all switches use the same
  • Config# vtp password 1234 - limited security
  • Config# vtp pruning enable - limits vtp broadcasts to only switches affected
  • Config# vtp pruning disable

  • Flash Upgrade

  • Config# copy tftp:// opcode - “opcode” for ios upgrade, “nvram” for startup config

    Delete Startup Config:

  • Config# delete nvram
  • Configuring NAT to Allow Internal Users to Access the Internet NAT Router

    VLAN Types
    1. Native VLAN: It's a VLAN that is not tagged when used on dot1q trunk. Frames using native VLAN traverse without any tagging. Workstations and some switches do not understand dot1q, and only work with frames without tag (Native VLAN).

    2. Default VLAN: It's typically VLAN 1 (At least on Cisco switches) - Vlan that is assigned to the switch port, when u get switch "out of box". You can change the default VLAN to any other specific VLAN by using "native vlan" command on Cisco swiches.

    3. Static VLAN: "Static VLAN membership is perhaps the most widely used method because of the relatively small administration overhead and security it provides. With Static VLANs, the administrator will assign each port of the switch to one VLAN. Once this is complete, they can simply connect each device or workstation to the appropriate port." The other method is 4.

    4.Dynamic VLAN: Static VLANs are the most common form of port VLAN assignments. It is possible to have the switch dynamically choose a VLAN based on the MAC address of the device connected to a port. For dynamic VLAN assignment, you need a VTP database file, a VTP server, a VTP client switch, and a dynamic port. After you have properly configured these components, a dynamic port can choose the VLAN based on whichever device is connected to that port.

    5. Access

    Wireless Networking in the Developing World

    Limehouse Book Sprint Team
    Purpose of The Book By Publishers

    The overall goal of this book is to help you build affordable communication technology in your local community by making best use of whatever resources are available. Using inexpensive off-the-shelf equipment, you can build high speed data networks that connect remote areas together, provide broadband network access in areas that even dialup does not exist, and ultimately connect you and your neighbors to the global Internet. By using local sources for materials and fabricating parts yourself, you can build reliable network links with very little budget. And by working with your local community, you can build a telecommunications infrastructure that benefits everyone who participates in it.

    This book is not a guide to configuring a radio card in your laptop or choosing consumer grade gear for your home network. The emphasis is on building infrastructure links intended to be used as the backbone for wide area wireless networks. With that goal in mind, information is presented from many points of view, including technical, social, and financial factors. The extensive collection of case studies present various groups' attempts at building these networks, the resources that were committed to them, and the ultimate results of these attempts.

    Since the first spark gap experiments at the turn of the last century, wireless has been a rapidly evolving area of communications technology. While we provide specific examples of how to build working high speed data links, the techniques described in this book are not intended to replace existing wired infrastructure (such as telephone systems or fiber optic backbone). Rather, these techniques are intended to augment existing systems, and provide connectivity in areas where running fiber or other physical cable would be impractical.......

    We hope you find this book useful for solving your particular communication challenges.

    Click to Read More/Download

    TCP/IP Network Administration Third Edition

    by Craig Hunt
    The first edition of TCP/IP Network Administration was written in 1992. In the decade since, many things have changed, yet some things remain the same. TCP/IP is still the preeminent communications protocol for linking together diverse computer systems. It remains the basis of interoperable data communications and global computer networking. The underlying Internet Protocol (IP), Transmission Control Protocol, and User Datagram Protocol (UDP) are remarkably unchanged. But change has come in the way TCP/IP is used and how it is managed.
    A clear symbol of this change is the fact that my mother-in-law has a TCP/IP network connection in her home that she uses to exchange electronic mail, compressed graphics, and hypertext documents with other senior citizens. She thinks of this as "just being on the Internet," but the truth is that her small system contains a functioning TCP/IP protocol stack, manages a dynamically assigned IP address, and handles data types that did not even exist a decade ago.
    In 1991, TCP/IP was a tool of sophisticated users. Network administrators managed a limited number of systems and could count on the users for a certain level of technical knowledge. No more. In 2002, the need for highly trained network administrators is greater than ever because the user base is larger, more diverse, and less capable of handling technical problems on its own. This book provides the information needed to become an effective TCP/IP network administrator.
    TCP/IP Network Administration was the first book of practical information for the professional TCP/IP network administrator, and it is still the best. Since the first edition was published there has been an explosion of books about TCP/IP and the Internet. Still, too few books concentrate on what a system administrator really needs to know about TCP/IP administration. Most books are either scholarly texts written from the point of view of the protocol designer, or instructions on how to use TCP/IP applications. All of those books lack the practical, detailed network information needed by the Unix system administrator. This book strives to focus on TCP/IP and Unix and to find the right balance of theory and practice.
    I am proud of the earlier editions of TCP/IP Network Administration. In this edition, I have done everything I can to maintain the essential character of the book while making it better. Dynamic address assignment based on Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) is covered. The Domain Name System material has been updated to cover BIND 8 and, to a lesser extent, BIND 9. The email configuration is based on current version of sendmail 8, and the operating system examples are from the current versions of Solaris and Linux. The routing protocol coverage includes Routing Information Protocol version 2 (RIPv2), Open Shortest Path First (OSPF), and Border Gateway Protocol (BGP). I have also added a chapter on Apache web server configuration, new material on xinetd, and information about building a firewall with iptables. Despite the additional topics, the book has been kept to a reasonable length.
    TCP/IP is a set of communications protocols that define how different types of computers talk to each other. TCP/IP Network Administration is a book about building your own network based on TCP/IP. It is both a tutorial covering the "why" and "how" of TCP/IP networking, and a reference manual for the details about specific network programs. ......... Click to Read More

    Building Internet Firewalls Second Edition

    By Elizabeth D. Zwicky, Simon Cooper and D. Brent Chapman
    Part I, "Network Security", explores the problem of Internet security and focuses on firewalls as part of an effective strategy to address that problem.
    • Chapter 1, "Why Internet Firewalls?", introduces the major risks associated with using the Internet today; discusses what to protect, and what to protect against; discusses various security models; and introduces firewalls in the context of what they can and can't do for your site's security.
    • Chapter 2, "Internet Services", outlines the services users want and need from the Internet, and summarizes the security problems posed by those services.
    • Chapter 3, "Security Strategies", outlines the basic security principles an organization needs to understand before it adopts a security policy and invests in specific security mechanisms.

    Part II, "Building Firewalls", describes how to build firewalls.

    • Chapter 4, "Packets and Protocols ", describes the basic network concepts firewalls work with.
    • Chapter 5, "Firewall Technologies", explains the terms and technologies used in building firewalls.
    • Chapter 6, "Firewall Architectures", describes the major architectures used in constructing firewalls, and the situations they are best suited to.
    • Chapter 7, "Firewall Design", presents the process of designing a firewall.
    • Chapter 8, "Packet Filtering" describes how packet filtering systems work, and discusses what you can and can't accomplish with them in building a firewall.
    • Chapter 9, "Proxy Systems", describes how proxy clients and servers work, and how to use these systems in building a firewall.
    • Chapter 10, "Bastion Hosts", presents a general overview of the process of designing and building the bastion hosts used in many firewall configurations.
    • Chapter 11, "Unix and Linux Bastion Hosts", presents the details of designing and building a Unix or Linux bastion host.
    • Chapter 12, "Windows NT and Windows 2000 Bastion Hosts ", presents the details of designing and building a Windows NT bastion host.

    Part III, "Internet Services", describes how to configure services in the firewall environment.

    • Chapter 13, "Internet Services and Firewalls", describes the general issues involved in selecting and configuring services in the firewall environment.
    • Chapter 14, "Intermediary Protocols", discusses basic protocols that are used by multiple services.
    • Chapter 15, "The World Wide Web", discusses the Web and related services.
    • Chapter 16, "Electronic Mail and News", discusses services used for transferring electronic mail and Usenet news.
    • Chapter 17, "File Transfer, File Sharing, and Printing", discusses the services used for moving files from one place to another.
    • Chapter 18, "Remote Access to Hosts", discusses services that allow you to use one computer from another computer.
    • Chapter 19, "Real-Time Conferencing Services", discusses services that allow people to interact with each other online.
    • Chapter 20, "Naming and Directory Services", discusses the services used to distribute information about hosts and users.
    • Chapter 21, "Authentication and Auditing Services", discusses services used to identify users before they get access to resources, to keep track of what sort of access they should have, and to keep records of who accessed what and when.
    • Chapter 22, "Administrative Services", discusses other services used to administer machines and networks.
    • Chapter 23, "Databases and Games", discusses the remaining two major classes of popular Internet services, databases and games.
    • Chapter 24, "Two Sample Firewalls", presents two sample configurations for basic firewalls.

    Part IV, "Keeping Your Site Secure", describes how to establish a security policy for your site, maintain your firewall, and handle the security problems that may occur with even the most effective firewalls.

    • Chapter 25, "Security Policies", discusses the importance of having a clear and well-understood security policy for your site, and what that policy should and should not contain. It also discusses ways of getting management and users to accept the policy.
    • Chapter 26, "Maintaining Firewalls", describes how to maintain security at your firewall over time and how to keep yourself aware of new Internet security threats and technologies.
    • Chapter 27, "Responding to Security Incidents", describes what to do when a break-in occurs, or when you suspect that your security is being breached.

    Part V, "Appendixes", consists of the following summary appendixes:

    • Appendix A, "Resources", contains a list of places you can go for further information and help with Internet security: World Wide Web pages, FTP sites, mailing lists, newsgroups, response teams, books, papers, and conferences.
    • Appendix B, "Tools", summarizes the best freely available firewall tools and how to get them.
    • Appendix C, "Cryptography", contains background information on cryptography that is useful to anyone trying to decrypt the marketing materials for security products.
    Click to Read More

    Cisco Configuring NAT

    Configuring NAT to Allow Internal Users to Access the Internet

    interface ethernet 0
    ip address
    ip nat inside

    !--- Defines Ethernet 0 with an IP address and as a NAT inside interface.

    interface ethernet 1
    ip address
    ip nat inside

    !--- Defines Ethernet 1 with an IP address and as a NAT inside interface.

    interface serial 0
    ip address
    ip nat outside

    !--- Defines serial 0 with an IP address and as a NAT outside interface.

    ip nat pool no-overload prefix 24

    !--- Defines a NAT pool named no-overload with a range of addresses
    !--- -

    ip nat inside source list 7 pool no-overload

    !--- Indicates that any packets received on the inside interface that
    !--- are permitted by access-list 7 has
    !--- the source address translated to an address out of the
    !--- NAT pool "no-overload".

    access-list 7 permit
    access-list 7 permit

    !--- Access-list 7 permits packets with source addresses ranging from
    !--- through and through

    Cisco IP Addressing Commands

    IP Addressing Commands:
    arp (global)
    arp (interface)
    arp timeout
    clear arp-cache
    clear host
    clear ip nat translation
    clear ip nhrp
    clear ip route
    ip address
    ip broadcast-address
    ip classless
    ip default-gateway
    ip directed-broadcast
    ip domain-list
    ip domain-lookup
    ip domain-lookup nsap
    ip domain-name
    ip forward-protocol
    ip forward-protocol any-local-broadcast
    ip forward-protocol spanning-tree
    ip forward-protocol turbo-flood
    ip helper-address
    ip host
    ip hp-host
    ip irdp
    ip mobile arp
    ip name-server
    ip nat
    ip nat inside destination
    ip nat inside source
    ip nat outside source
    ip nat pool
    ip nat translation
    ip netmask-format
    ip nhrp authentication
    ip nhrp holdtime
    ip nhrp interest
    ip nhrp map
    ip nhrp map multicast
    ip nhrp max-send
    ip nhrp network-id
    ip nhrp nhs
    ip nhrp record
    ip nhrp responder
    ip nhrp use
    ip probe proxy
    ip proxy-arp
    ip redirects
    ip routing
    ip subnet-zero
    ip unnumbered
    ping (privileged)
    ping (user)
    show arp
    show hosts
    show ip aliases
    show ip arp
    show ip interface
    show ip irdp
    show ip masks
    show ip nat statistics
    show ip nat translations
    show ip nhrp
    show ip nhrp traffic
    show ip redirects
    term ip netmask-format
    trace (privileged)
    trace (user)
    tunnel mode

    Routing with Cisco 2500 and 1000 Series for LAN-ISDN Service

    Commands - General

    There are 3 different modes of operation within the Cisco IOS.

    1. Disabled mode
    2. Enabled mode
    3. Configuration mode

    In the Disabled mode you can use a limited number of commands. This is used primarily to monitor the router.

    The Enabled mode is used to show configuration information, enter the configuration mode, and make changes to the configuration.

    The Configuration mode is used to enter and update the runtime configuration.

    To get a list of the commands for the cisco type '?' at the prompt. To get further information about any command, type the command followed by a '?'.

    clear Reset functions
    clock Manage the system clock
    configure Enter configuration mode
    debug Debugging functions (see also 'undebug')
    disable Turn off privileged commands
    enable Turn on privileged commands
    erase Erase flash or configuration memory
    exit Exit from the EXEC
    help Description of the interactive help system
    login Log in as a particular user
    logout Exit from the EXEC
    no Disable debugging functions
    ping Send echo messages
    reload Halt and perform a cold restart
    setup Run the SETUP command facility
    show Show running system information
    telnet Open a telnet connection
    terminal Set terminal line parameters
    test Test subsystems, memory, and interfaces
    traceroute Trace route to destination
    tunnel Open a tunnel connection
    undebug Disable debugging functions (see also 'debug')
    verify Verify checksum of a Flash file
    write Write running configuration to memory, network, or terminal

    access-lists List access lists
    arp ARP table
    buffers Buffer pool statistics
    configuration Contents of Non-Volatile memory
    controllers Interface controller status
    debugging State of each debugging option
    dialer Dialer parameters and statistics
    extended Extended Interface Information
    flash System Flash information
    flh-log Flash Load Helper log buffer
    history Display the session command history
    hosts IP domain-name, lookup style, name servers, and host table
    interfaces Interface status and configuration
    ip IP information
    isdn ISDN information
    line TTY line information
    logging Show the contents of logging buffers
    memory Memory statistics
    privilege Show current privilege level
    processes Active process statistics
    protocols Active network routing protocols
    queue Show queue contents
    queueing Show queueing configuration
    reload Scheduled reload information
    route-map route-map information
    running-config Current operating configuration
    sessions Information about Telnet connections
    smf Software MAC filter
    stacks Process stack utilization
    startup-config Contents of startup configuration
    subsys Show subsystem information
    tcp Status of TCP connections
    terminal Display terminal configuration parameters
    users Display information about terminal lines
    version System hardware and software status

    Other Useful Commands

    View the Software Version

    Cisco#wr term <--- Shows the running configuration
    Building configuration...
    Current configuration:
    version 11.2
    no service udp-small-servers
    no service tcp-small-servers
    hostname Cisco
    interface Ethernet0
    ip address
    interface Serial0
    ip address
    encapsulation frame-relay
    frame-relay lmi-type ansi
    interface Serial1
    ip address
    encapsulation frame-relay
    bandwidth 1536
    keepalive 5
    frame-relay map ip 101 IETF
    router rip
    version 2
    ip classless
    ip route
    ip route
    line con 0
    line aux 0
    line vty 0 4

    View the Ethernet IP

    Router#wr term

    This will show the running configuration.
    Within the configuration, you will see an interface ethernet 0 section:

    interface Ethernet0
    ip address
    no ip directed-broadcast

    View the Serial IP

    Router#wr term

    Within the configuration, you will see an interface serial 0 section:

    interface Serial0
    ip address
    ip broadcast-address
    ip access-group 106 in
    encapsulation frame-relay
    bandwidth 56
    no fair-queue
    frame-relay map ip 500 IETF

    View the Default Route

    Router#wr term

    Within the configuration, you will see an ip route section.

    In the ip route section, look for a route:
    ip route
    The last ip address is the POP ip.

    View the Filters

    Router#wr term

    Under interface serial 0, look for:

    ip access-group 104 in
    ip access-group 105 out

    This means that access-group 104 is the inbound filter set and
    access-group 105 is the outbound filter set.
    Then, continue to look in the configuration for the access-list statements:

    (Example access-list statements)
    access-list 104 deny ip any
    access-list 104 permit tcp any any established
    access-list 104 permit tcp any eq ftp-data any gt 1023
    access-list 104 permit udp any eq domain any gt 1023
    access-list 104 permit udp any eq domain any eq domain
    access-list 104 permit icmp any any
    access-list 104 permit udp any eq snmp any gt 1023
    access-list 105 deny ip any
    access-list 105 permit tcp any any established
    access-list 105 permit tcp any any eq ftp
    access-list 105 deny udp any eq netbios-ns any
    access-list 105 deny udp any eq netbios-dgm any
    access-list 105 permit ip any any

    View the Bandwidth

    Router#wr term

    Within the config, you will see an interface serial 0 section:

    interface Serial0
    ip address
    ip broadcast-address
    ip access-group 106 in
    encapsulation frame-relay
    bandwidth 56
    no fair-queue
    frame-relay map ip 500 IETF

    Add a Static Route

    Cisco#config t
    Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
    where: DEST.DEST.DEST.DEST = The destination network the static route is for
    MASK.MASK.MASK.MASK = The subnet mask of the destination network
    GATE.GATE.GATE.GATE = The gateway of the static route
    Example route statement:
    ip route
    Cisco(config)#^Z (hit z)

    Write the entry to memory:

    Cisco#wr mem
    Building configuration...

    Change the Dial Number

    Type en to put the router in enable mode:>en

    The password should be the same as the one used to telnet in.


    To view the router's configuration, type: config

    There will be a line in the configuration that says:

    dialer map IP speed 64 name LD3330 2707000

    The 2707000 is the dial number.

    NOTE: Record what interface the dialer map IP line is under because you will need to
    use that interface when changing the number.

    Type config t to configure from terminal. t

    Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
    Enter the interface that the dialer map IP line is under: BRI0

    Add in the new dialer map IP line with the new phone number: map IP speed 64 name LD3330 [new number]

    Now, remove the old dialer map IP line.
    To remove a line, type no and then the line.
    For example, to remove the old dialer map IP, type: dialer map IP speed 64 name LD3330 2707020

    Now leave config mode: [control] z

    Save changes: write mem
    Building configuration...

    Verify the new number is in the config: config

    The new number should be in the dialer map IP line.

    Turn Filters On and Off

    To turn the filters off:

    Router#configure terminal
    Router(config)#interface Serial0
    Router(config-if)#no ip access-group 104 in
    Router(config-if)#no ip access-group 105 out
    Router(config-if)# Hit CTRL-Z
    Router#wr mem
    Building configuration...

    To turn the filters on:

    Router#configure terminal
    Router(config)#interface Serial0
    Router(config-if)#ip access-group 104 in
    Router(config-if)#ip access-group 105 out
    Router(config-if)# Hit CTRL-Z
    Router#wr mem
    Building configuration...

    Ping from the Router


    DHCP: Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol

    Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) is a communications enabling network administrators manage centrally and automate the assignment of IP addresses in a network. In an IP network, each device connecting to the Internet needs a unique IP address. DHCP lets a network administrator supervise and distribute IP addresses from a central point and automatically sends a new IP address when a computer is plugged into a different place in the network.

    DHCP uses the concept of a "lease" or amount of time that a given IP address will be valid for a computer. The lease time can vary depending on how long a user is likely to require the Internet connection at a particular location. It"s especially useful in education and other environments where users change frequently. Using very short leases, DHCP can dynamically reconfigure networks in which there are more computers than there are available IP addresses.

    DHCP supports static addresses for computers containing Web servers that need a permanent IP address.

    DHCP is an alternative to another network IP management protocol, Bootstrap Protocol (BOOTP). DHCP is a more advanced protocol, but both configuration management protocols are commonly used. Some operating systems, including Windows NT/2000, come with DHCP servers. A DHCP or BOOTP client is a program that is located in each computer so that it can be configured.

    History of Internet Addressing

    Internet Routing Architectures, Second Edition-CISCO Press

    The addressing scheme that is used today in the Internet is based on version 4 of the Internet
    Protocol (IPv4)[], usually referred to simply as IP. This section discusses the following:
    • Basic IP addressing
    • Basic IP subnetting
    • Variable-length subnet mask (VLSM

    Basic IP Addressing
    An IP address is a unique 4-octet (32-bit) value expressed in dotted-decimal (or dotted-quad)notation of the form W.X.Y.Z, where periods (dots) are used to separate each of the 4 octets of the address (for example, The 32-bit address field consists of two parts: a network or link number (which represents the network portion of the address) and a host number (which identifies a host on the network segment).
    The network and host boundaries were traditionally defined based on the class of the IP address, with five defined classes (three of which are used for unicast addressing): A, B, C, D,and E.
    Table 1-1 illustrates the different classes of address space and their functions.

    Table 1-1, IP Address Classes and Functions
    Class Address Range High-Order Bits Network Bits Host Bits Function
    A to 0 7 24 Unicast
    B to 10 14 16 Unicast
    C to 110 21 8 Unicast
    D to 1110 Multicast
    E to 1111 Reserved

    Notice that only Class A, B, and C addresses are used for unicast. Class D addresses are used for multicast, and Class E address space is reserved. Several addresses within these classes are reserved for special use. Table 3-2 lists some of these addresses.

    Table 1-2, Special-Purpose IP Addresses
    Address Range Purpose Unknown network; commonly represents default – Reserved for private use (RFC 1918) – Reserved for loopback/local address – Reserved for private use (RFC 1918) – Reserved for private use (RFC 1918) Limited broadcast

    This class-based addressing scheme is often referred to as the classful model. The different classes lend themselves to different network configurations, depending on the desired ratio of networks to hosts. The full implications of the different classes will become more apparent as this chapter proceeds. The next few sections focus on the basic definitions of each class.

    Class A Addressing
    Class A networks are represented by a 0 in the leftmost bit position of the address. The first octet (bits 0 to 7) of the address, beginning from the leftmost bit, represents the network number, and the remaining 3 octets (bits 8 to 31) represent a host number on that network. An example of a Class A network is, where represents the network number and the host number is 1. The outcome of this representation, illustrated in Figure-1, is 128(27) Class A network numbers. However, because is not a valid network number, only 127(27–1) Class A addresses are possible.
    Figure-1 General Class A Address Format

    After the network is defined, the first and last host addresses within the network serve special functions. The first address ( in the previous example) is used to represent the network number, and the last address of the network is used to represent the directed broadcast address of the network ( Therefore, Class A addresses have only 16,777,214 (224–2) hosts per network, rather than 16,777,216 (224) hosts per network.

    Class B Addressing
    Class B networks are represented by a 1 and a 0 in the leftmost two bits of the address. The first two octets of the address (bits 0 to 15) represent the network portion of the address, and the remaining two octets (bits 16 to 31) represent the host number of that network. The outcome of this representation, illustrated in Figure-2, is 16,384 (214) network numbers, with 65,534 (216–2) hosts per network. An example of a Class B address is, where is the Class B network and 1 is the host.

    Figure-2 General Class B Address Format

    Class C Addressing
    Class C networks are represented by 1, 1, and 0 in the leftmost three bits of the address. The first three octets (bits 0 to 23) represent the network number, and the last octet (bits 24 to 31) represents the host number in that network. The outcome of this representation, as illustrated in Figure-3, is 2,097,152 (221) network numbers with 254 (28–2) hosts per network. An example of a Class C network is, where is the network number and the host number is 1.
    Figure-3. General Class C Address Format

    Class D Addressing
    Class D networks are represented by 1, 1, 1, and 0 in the leftmost 4 bits of the address. The Class D address space is reserved for multicast, used to represent multicast group numbers.

    Class E Addressing

    Class E networks are represented by 1, 1, 1, and 1 in the leftmost 4 bits of the address. Class E address space is currently reserved for experimental use.